Cee’s Bajan Macaroni Pie

Cee's Bajan Macaroni Pie

Cee’s Bajan Macaroni Pie

Macaroni Pie has got be be one of those dishes that’s a must have in any Bajan household on a Sunday. I remember growing up in Barbados and when my godmother asked me what I wanted for Sunday dinner it was always macaroni pie. I was not a fan of rice and pea and did not care if there was meat. As long as I had my macaroni pie I was a happy and contented child Continue reading

Bajan Creole Gravy

Bajan Creole Gravy using fresh salmon with Chive Mash

Bajan Creole Gravy using fresh salmon with Chive Mash

Throughout the Caribbean you will find many variations of creole gravy. This colourful sauce accompanies dishes such as Cou cou (both corn meal and breadfruit), mashed potatoes. Typically, it contains onions, tomato, peppers and fish. If fresh fish was not affordable or available to a family they would have prepared this simple but flavourful gravy using canned fish. Some people use mackerel or salmon in the can. Here I will show you how to prepare it using fresh salmon. Continue reading