A little Taste of Heaven Cinnamon Buns

Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting

Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting

I had my first cinnamon roll in a mall while on vacation here in Canada. I remembered my aunt and I were going to the market but all I could focus on was that enticing aroma that filled the air. The answer was just around the corner. I stood there and watched them make cinnamon rolls while my aunt went to the market. When my aunt was finished shopping she bought me a fresh cinnamon roll with extra frosting and I was hooked. Continue reading

Pizza Dough


Homemade Pizza dough

Homemade Pizza dough

If you have read my pizza sauce post you would know I’ve been really craving pizza and decided to make one from scratch. I was pretty sure I had all the components to make a dough in my pantry. When I started looking at my equipment my dreams came to a screeching halt on the realization that I don’t have a tray to make a pizza on. An hour later it came to me…. My ex owns a pizza stone and he probably does not even know what it is. Continue reading

Paratha or “Buss Up Shut” Roti

Curry Chicken & Potato Roti

Curry Chicken & Potato Roti

Roti is traditional flat bread that’s made in India. East Indians brought roti and curry with them during their immigration to the West Indies. Due to larger East Indian population, Trinidad and Guyana are well known for their roti and curry dishes. On the other hand, the East Indian population in Barbados is not as large therefore there was less of an Indian cultural influence on Barbadian food. Continue reading