Spare the Rod make Tamarind Sauce

Tamaerind Sauce

Tamarind Sauce

Growing up in the Caribbean we were lucky to having a tamarind tree right next door on the neighbour’s property. When tamarind season came around we got an abundance of them from our neighbour. I can recall shelling them and sucking the pulp off the seed and puckering my face up at the tartness of the fruit. Continue reading

Fixing a broken a Hollandaise Sauce

Hollandaise Sauce

Hollandaise Sauce

We have all heard the stories of having a Hollandaise sauce breaking. So what causes a Hollandaise sauce to break? Hollandaise like Mayonnaise, is an emulsion of oil in water and naturally the two do not mix. With this type of emulsion you are suspending the oil molecules in the water. Continue reading

Gourmet Pizza at Home

Homemade pizza with a gourmet feel.

Homemade pizza with a gourmet feel.

So this weekend I had an adventure in Little Italy without even having to leave home. I developed a pretty good pizza sauce based on my pasta sauce. I adapted a pizza dough recipe AND I managed to borrow a pizza stone to bake my pizza.

The result was nothing short of spectacular if you consider this was the first time I made pizza from scratch.


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Pizza Sauce Recipe

246 Kitchen Diva Homemade pizza sauce

246 Kitchen Diva Homemade pizza sauce

My first encounter with pizza was on a school trip to Disney. I don’t recall what toppings I had on it but it had 3 things I love – cheese, bread and tomatoes. I was in taste bud heaven. Recently I have been getting really picky about my pizza. Some places the sauce is too bland, other places it’s too acidic and then the dough is another can of worms.

This week I have really been craving pizza but not wanting to be disappointed, I decided to do it myself. How hard can it be right? Some tomatoes, some herbs, you get this picture. This will be a walk in the park. Continue reading